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Novea code pol walon do Wisconsene
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Scribus electronicus

Date d' arivêye: 2024-03-30
Messaedjes: 37

MessaedjeDate: dim 01 set, 2024 15:56:51    Sudjet: Responde tot citant

I understand. For now, I am aware that there is not young people who are interested in learning their ancestral language in Wisconsin.

For know I have two priorities :

a)Collecting data among the last speakers of Wisconsin Walloon (if you know how to kwow some, please let me know)

b)Reinforce the collaboration between Belgian Walloon language activists and American Walloons interested about their heritage.

If we keep enhancing our collaboration, I don't exclude that one of other youth Belgian-American could be interested about learning the Walloon language, not necessarily to speak it in everyday life, but as a cultural our recreational language.
Araedjî waloneu prete a rvindjî si mancî lingaedje
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Date d' arivêye: 2023-06-05
Messaedjes: 19
Eplaeçmint: Wisconsin

MessaedjeDate: mår 03 set, 2024 16:48:31    Sudjet: Responde tot citant

I could likely make at least a partial list of the remaining speakers for you. I know several, but not all of them. If I had to venture a guess I'd say less than 20. I know and have met at least a half a dozen of them. But have heard of some of the others.

As for collaboration there is a woman from Wisconsin visiting Belgium right now till the 23rd. It was her idea to do this mass recording. She has expressed concern that I was sharing the thousands of audio files. So I tried to get a better idea what the plan was, like if were were doing this to sell it or something. The only conclusion for our last discussion a year ago is we would leave a copy at the local university research library.

I have expressed that I fell we should be working hand in hand and sharing these with you guys as it would move things along faster.

email me if you want to discuss more
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Scribus electronicus

Date d' arivêye: 2024-03-30
Messaedjes: 37

MessaedjeDate: sem 07 set, 2024 8:47:38    Sudjet: Responde tot citant

Hello Steve,
I'm sorry for my delay, but I am now spending my holiday in Italy.

I contact you here for two things.

The first one IS that. I would ne vert delighted to meet this Wisconsin Walloon speaker who is actually in Belgium. If you know how I could contact her, please let me know.

Secondly, I have been in discussion with Kelly Bears with whom I plan to have a meeting on zoom. Would you enjoy to participate? My mail:
Araedjî waloneu prete a rvindjî si mancî lingaedje
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